What is the path to take Math classes for a STEM passionate student? - DNHS

Assuming you took Integrated 1 in 8th grade, there are two common choices.

First, taking Integrated 2 over the summer and taking Integrated 3 and Pre Calculus in 9th Grade.

Second, taking Compacted Math, which includes all of Integrated 2, Integrated 3 and Pre Calculus but requires you to allot 2 trimesters for math in your 3rd trimester of 9th grade.

In 10th grade, AP Calculus AB.

In 11th grade, AP Calculus BC.

In 12th grade, Ap Statistics.

If students need help with STEM, Haddee’s STEM tutors and teachers are all very good:

Coach Jenna: Haddee
Coach Joey: Haddee
Coach David: Haddee

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Education with Inspiration